beauty tips

Summer Tips to Keep your Eyelash Extensions in Great Shape!


Yay!  Summer is finally here!

And I want you to enjoy all your favorite activities without sacrificing your eyelash extensions.  You may notice that in warmer months you will feel the need to schedule refills more often.  There are many factors that will contribute to needing more fills such as changes to your lash cycle, being more active, and temperature increases, to name a few.  These factors you can'tcontrol, but below you will find a few extra tips to help combat all natural elements and preserve your eyelash extensions.



Yes!  Use sunscreen, just not on or near your eyelashes extensions.  Sunscreen will act similarly to oil and cause your eyelash extensions to fall out sooner.



Try to wear goggles when possible in seawater or a chlorinated pool.  After swimming, always rinse your eyes and eyelashes with fresh water.  This will help remove some of the salt water or chlorine from the eyelashes until you can cleanse your them properly.



Similar to swimming, rinse your eyelashes after working out especially if you are a heavy sweater.  Salt from your sweat can settle on the eyelash extensions and cause retention issues.


Soaking in the Sun

When enjoying your island getaway in the sun, wear sunglasses and hats.   Not only will they protect your eyes and skin from the harmful rays, but also shield your eyelashes from the intense heat. 

And of course, the less you do, they better they hold up.  So admire, but don’t touch too often.  A lot of times we have dirt and oil on our fingers that we are not even aware of that we transfer to our eyelash extensions.  So skip the urge to touch!



Eyelash Extensions and Isolation

A properly isolated natural lash ready for an eyelash extension to be applied.

A properly isolated natural lash ready for an eyelash extension to be applied.

One of the most important steps in the eyelash extensions process is proper isolation.

Lash artists use two tweezers – one to isolate the natural lashes and one to apply the eyelash extension to the natural lash. 

Isolation allows for the natural shedding process to take place – Every lash goes through a growth cycle and lashes that are stuck together cannot shed as they are intended to.  Lashes that are not properly isolated may be pulled out ahead of time thus damaging the hair follicle.  It could take months to recover, if at all.

Isolation ensures comfort while wearing eyelash extensions – When lashes are properly applied and isolated, you will not feel them.  Lashes that are stuck together may become uncomfortable over time.  You may feel a tugging or tightness on the lid and though it may not be painful, at the least, it will be annoying.  The stuck lashes may be in different growth cycles and the ones that are growing out or shedding may be pulling out the adjacent lash with it.  This can result in premature shedding and damage to the natural lashes.  

Isolation allows for control of the shape and design – I skilled lash artist will be able to manipulate the lash to create the desired design.  Not all natural lashes are uniform and straight so proper isolation helps to see clearly and control the direction of the lash when applying the eyelash extensions. 



You Need To Brush Your Eyelash Extensions Everyday and Here's Why!

Eyelash extensions are amazing time savers!  And as much as it saves you time on your daily routine, you still have to brush them everyday.

Brushing your eyelash extensions will:

Keep Your Eyelash Extensions Neat and Orderly – If you have crisscrossed natural lashes or sleep heavily on once side, brushing your lashes with a clean mascara wand will keep them from being tangled.  Like the hair on your head, if you don’t brush it often, the tangles will multiply and become harder to detangle.  With eyelash extensions, you can easily ruin your beautiful set of eyelash extensions by simply neglecting them.  Be aware that excessive tangles can also cause lash breakage over time so don’t skip it.

Separates Your Eyelash Extensions – After showers and cleansing your lashes, you will notice that your lashes my start to clump together because of the moisture. Air dry them or dab with a microfiber cloth first, then gently brushes the lashes to flush and separate.

Remove Eye Shadow – It is recommended to only use powder shadow, as it is easiest to remove.  Sometimes shadow dust will fall onto the lashes giving them a dull look.  You can dip your brush in a bit of water or oil free makeup remover/ cleanser to brush away the fallen dust and restore luster to your lashes.

Your lash artist should be supplying you with at least one mascara wand/spoolie before you leave, as they are essential to maintaining your lashes.  In addition, they should also instruct you on how to brush them gently as safely as it is not the same as applying mascara. 

This little habit will prolong the life of your eyelash extensions so Happy brushing!




Mascara! To Do or Not To Do

Best Mascaras for Eyelash Extensions

Best Mascaras for Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are an investment that must be well taken care of.   Half the battle is getting them applied in the style that you like.  The other half is won in carrying out great after care at home by using the right products for your eyelash extensions.

Clients tend to get really excited once they get lashes.  Some clients will want to ramp up the volume with mascara regardless of how full and luscious their eyelash extensions are.  For volume lash clients (2-6 faux lashes to one natural lash), mascara is an absolute NO! NO! as it closes the volume fans causing them to clump together and ultimately ruining the lash set.  But for classic eyelash extensions wearers (one faux lash to one natural lash) there are a few allowances.

The mascara must be water-based and oil-free to be safe to wear on eyelash extensions.  Oil-free and water-based products won’t weaken the bond in the glue and cause premature lash fallout.  These products are also easy to remove resulting in better lash retention.  Waterproof products usually require a lot of scrubbing and rubbing to remove and that friction can pullout and damage your lashes. 

Be sure to read the ingredients or get a product referral from your lash artist.  Below is are a few “eyelash extension friendly “ mascaras to use on your lashes.

And remember, when applying mascara to eyelash extensions:

"Only apply water-based mascara from mid lash to tip, NEVER from root to tip.  Applying from root to tip applies too much tension on the base of the lash where the lashes are bonded and can pullout the lashes and/or disrupt the adhesive bond."

Max2 "Volume Up" Mascara

Max2 "Volume Up" Mascara

Noir Mascara

Noir Mascara

Maybelline Great Lash Mascara (water-based)

Maybelline Great Lash Mascara (water-based)

Clinique Naturally Glossy Mascara

Clinique Naturally Glossy Mascara





Which One is Better - Hard Wax or Soft Wax?

Pink Hard Wax

Pink Hard Wax

Before I started lashing full-time I worked as a waxing specialist in NYC for three years.  I spent a month in Singapore where I mastered their technique/product and fell in love with the ease and results of hard wax.  

Even though I prefer hard wax to soft wax, they both have their place in the waxing room.   Soft wax gets a bad reputation as being harsh and it can be, but with proper use it is just as effective.  The key is to know when and where to use each one.  Ideally, soft wax should only be used on large body parts that are not sensitive nor delicate.  Since soft wax is generally a cheaper product than hard wax, some businesses use it for every service thus ignoring the quality of the experience for its clients.  Lets face it, waxing is not an ouch less event, but there are many ways to make it less traumatic and choosing the right product is one way.

Now that I specialize in luxury lashes, I only offer waxing that compliment my lash services.  Those services include brow shaping, sideburns, lip, and chin waxing.  I use hard wax as it is ideal for facial waxing and is generally safe for most people.   Those with skin conditions, such as acne and rosacea will benefit from using hard wax as it much gentler on the skin.


Top 5 Pros of Hard Wax

1.  Less irritating.

2.  Thicker consistency, which offers better control and less oops!

3.  Works at a low temperature so burns are less likely to occur.

4.  Contains soothing oil which is great for drier skin types as it lubricates just enough to prevent unnecessary discomfort to the skin. 

5.  No paper or muslin is needed to remove hard wax as it hardens naturally and then the wax itself is used to remove the hair.


 So if you have waxed before and have had a bad experience that was not the result of an allergic reaction, try hard wax.  Also keep in mind the experience of your technician.  A lot of times it is not the product that is the issue, but the person using it incorrectly.



Well Being Goals for 2017!

I wanted to share with you some of my New Years “Well Being” Goals.  As you know, I am all about quick and easy beauty tips so here are a few I hope to incorporate into my routine this year!  I hope you find some of them useful. 

Sleep Earlier – I’m the girl that gets re-energized at 1 am if I stay up too late….and then I kick myself in the morning when I look and feel tired.  To help, I will be setting a “wind down” alarm.  I will set it a half-hour before my bedtime to cue sleep mode.

Water– I plan to drink 16oz of water first thing in the morning.  To make this fool proof, I’ll set the bottle on my nightstand the night beforeso I have no excuse.  Even if I don’t get out of bed right away, it is just within arm's reach.

Scalp Massage – I LOVE getting my hair washed, but more importantly the scalp massage is cherry on top.  Scalp massages can instantly decrease stress and boost your mood.  I’ll be aiming for once or twice a week for 5-10 minutes.

Smile – In the mirror, at myself, every morning :-)

Express Gratitude – For life, health, sunshine, or whatever else I'm thankful for.  Focusing on the good weakens the impact of the bad. 

What are some your goals for 2017?



Yes, You Should Get Lash Refills & Here is Why!

Stages of Lash Growth

Stages of Lash Growth

1.  Our Lashes Shed Daily

We lose anywhere from 2-5 lashes per day!  We don’t notice it, but it’s happening.  During different seasons, the shedding may be more or less, but it is a completely natural occurrence.  Due to this shedding, refills are needed to replenish the shed lashes so the set can be beautiful and full again.  

That is why refills are recommended every two - three weeks.  Some people have slower growth cycles and can push to three - four weeks, but it is not recommended as run the risk of having to pay for a full set instead of a refill if you lose too many lashes.


The average person has between 90 – 120 natural lashes per eye on the upper lid.  I aim to lash all of these lashes for the Deluxe Set and 75% of these lashes for the Dainty Set.

If each eye sheds approximately 2-5 lashes every day, the loss of extensions adds up pretty quickly the longer you wait for a refill.   

For the example example below, I averaged lash loss at 3 per day:

In 1 week you will lose 21 lashes

2 weeks 42 lashes

3 weeks 63 lashes

By week 4, a full set is probably needed, unless you have a slower lash cycle, but you would have lost 84 lashes in a 90-120 lash set.


2.  So Your Lashes Can Be in Fabulous Shape Consistently

When lashes shed, they do not shed evenly.  One eye might shed more than the other or a few in a group might shed together leaving a gap!  Most times it won't be terribly noticeable, especially if you stay within your natural length and style, but because the shedding can not be predicted or controlled, getting regular refills solves this problem.     


3.  So your Lash Artist can remove any outgrown lashes.

You will notice that your once sleek cat-eye look isn't looking so catty around the end of 2-3 weeks and this is because in addition to your lashes shedding, some have grown out - affecting the overall shape and of the look of your set.  During your refill appointment, outgrown lashes are gently removed as well and replaced with new lashes restoring your perfect feline flick!



If you choose to not get refills and prefer to do a full set once a month or whenever you feel, that is okay as well. You just need to take really good care of your lashes during that time.  


I hope you found this info helpful!!






Taking Care of the Skin Under Your Eyes Will Make Your Lashes Look Even Better!!!!

Eye Skin Care

Stop rubbing your eyes!  If you are an eye rubber, stop now!   Rubbing your eyes stretches and damages the elasticity of the skin around the delicate eye area.  This habit results in premature aging, fine lines, and wrinkles. 

Apply chilled cotton balls! Cucumbers are great for the eyes, but sometimes you just don’t have one laying around.  Don’t skip out on eye care because of it!  Dip cotton balls in ice water or chill over night and apply to your eyes for 5-10 minutes to refresh and reduce puffiness. 

Don't use face cream!  The skin under your eye is thinner and requires more TLC than the rest of your face.  Due to its delicate nature, your standard face cream may be too harsh so a separate targeted cream just for your eyes is recommended.    

Invest in a good eye cream!  The skin under the eye is so tender that we must protect and nourish it daily.  If you are low on sleep, get an eye cream like Burt’s Bees Radiant Eye Cream for normal and combination skin or Burt's Bees Intense Hydration  Eye Cream for dry skin to gently pat the stress away. 

"Prevention is easier than corrective treatment, don't wait until it's an issue"



Got Large Pores?


Large Pores are such a Pain!

I swear that they are the reason why the beauty filter was created!  If you have oily skin then you definitely know the struggle. 

I am all about effortless easy beauty so I wanted to share a few tips to reduce the appearance of your pores.

1. Cold Water - This is my favorite and easiest tip.  After cleansing and/or exfoliating, splash your face with cold water repeatedly for 15-20 counts.  The cold water helps in tightening your pores over time.  I know it seems silly, but I learned this trick from a Japanese friend with pore-less skin.   It really does work if you keep up with it. 

2. Apple Cider Vinegar - I use this sometimes as a toner as it is a natural astringent.  Mix equal amounts of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (this is a good one) and water and apply with a cotton ball.  For best results, use every night after you cleanse your face.  Follow with a light moisturizer. 

3. Baking Soda - This is great for removing excess oil, dirt and debris from your skin. It also helps balance the pH levels reducing problems like acne and pimples due to its antibacterial properties.  Mix two tablespoons each of baking soda and lukewarm water.   Apply the mixture on your skin and massage in circular motion for a few seconds.   Finally, rinse it off with cool water.  Repeat the process daily for five to seven days. Then reduce the frequency to three to five times a week for a few weeks.

I hope you found these tips helpful!


The Ultimate Lash Perk Nap While I Lash

Public Service Announcement

Getting Eyelash Extensions should not be painful!” I repeat,  “Getting Eyelash Extensions should not be painful!”

It saddens me that I have to say this.   But the truth is that many people think it’s supposed to be an uncomfortable service.  Yes, lying on your back for up to 2 hours may have you a lil achy, but your eye area should be completely trauma free.   What you should feel is your lash artist adjusting your head and light pressure on different areas of your face while they meticulously work their magic, but “ouch!” is a no no.  If that is an experience that you have had or heard about then I would avoid at all cost.    

When done correctly, the process of getting eyelash extensions is completely comfortable.

So comfortable in fact that many clients go to sleep.  The ‘Lash Nap’ is one of the most refreshing (physically and mentally) naps you can have.  During the eyelash extension process, your eyes must remain closed and it is best that you remain as still as possible.  If you are lucky, you will have a blanket and some soothing tunes to lull you off to sleep.   By the end of your service, you will wake up rested and with a new set or a restored set of eye candy to continue on with your day. 

I used to work in an open layout salon with about 7 lash beds lined up - talk about distractions galore.  People were constantly walking back and forth and having loud conversations resulting in the least relaxing environment ever.  Hearing all that hustle and bustle really takes away from the enjoyment of the service.   

I knew from that experience that I would have a private studio so that my clients could feel pampered in the way that they deserve.  No interruption, just peace is what you should expect during an eyelash extensions service.  In fact, I use lavender oil to help promote a calm tranquil environment for all my clients and only allow one client in the studio per service.

Don’t sell yourself short and settle for an experience that is both distracting and uncomfortable.  Seek out the best and enjoy it the fullest...your worth it.  



PS. Enjoy $50.00 off your Eyelash Extensions Classic Set by July 4th!

Book at:

or call: 929.224.2826